About the Journal


The scope of the KCA University International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Social Science includes, but is not limited to business, management, marketing, finance, economics, information and communication technology, education, and the arts. The editor welcomes publications in the form of research papers, review articles, and book chapters on the aforementioned thematic areas.


Prior Publication

All submitted papers must not have been previously published elsewhere. Nevertheless, papers that have been presented in a conference can be accepted on condition that the complete paper doesn’t appear in the conference proceedings, and that such proceedings only contain the abstract. As soon as such a paper is accepted for publication in this journal, the author shall have the abstract removed from any online location, such that the paper and its abstract can only be accessed online through this journal. Further, the author shall be required to attest that the paper is their legitimate work and it hasn’t been previously accepted for publication.



One shall be acknowledged as an author of a paper if he/she has made a substantial contribution in its development. No persons who do not qualify to be as authors shall be given authorship credits and further, no person who qualifies to be an author shall be excluded from the list of co-authors. If the paper has more than one author, the submission will be accompanied by a short description of the contribution of each co author.


Conflict of interest

The author(s) of articles have a responsibility to disclose any relevant information about competing interests (financial, political or religious affiliations) that might appear to affect their objectivity. The disclosure should include details of interests e.g. employment, share ownership, consultancy, funding in any organization that may benefit from their publication. If the work is funded, then the role of the funder should be clearly stated. The sources of the funding of the research and publication should be disclosed.



Submitted papers must be original work of the author(s) and should not violate any existing local and international copyright laws. The copyright of published papers shall be held by KCA University but author(s) retain the right to use their own work in other publications provided they acknowledge KCA University as the original publisher. Each time the author(s) use their own work published by IJMS in other publications a full citation must be made.


Double Blind Review

IJIRSS shall use double blind review to review articles submitted for publication. The authors are therefore advised to ensure that no information in the body of the text or the appendices reveal their identity.


Word Count

Papers submitted for review should not be less than 2000 words nor more than 5000 words.



All submissions to IJIRSS should fulfil the requirement of novelty. Therefore, they are expected to generate new knowledge in their area of focus or augment existing knowledge, thereby widening the available body of knowledge.


Policy on Plagiarism

IJIRSS has a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. All submissions will be subjected to a similarity index check, and no submission which exceeds a 20% threshold for similarity will be accepted for publication



 Author(s) are requested to provide a brief biographical note to accompany the article. This should be not more than 75 words.



If there is a need to present lengthy but essential methodological details or extensive data, such explanations can be presented in one or more appendices at the end of the report. This material should be presented in as condensed a form as possible; full sentences are not necessary. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX. If more than one appendix is needed, they should be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.